Zumba classes in Chorley/Astley!

New year and New start!Why not get in shape with Zumba???Classes are every Friday at Astley Village community centre 6.30-7.30.Only £3.50.To book your place call or text Laura on 07796411564!


Zumba classes in Chorley/New Year 2013

Zumba classes in  Chorely in the New Year at Astley Villiage community centre.Class is every Friday 6.30-7.30pm.Please call Laura on 07796411564 to book your place or click on classes……………….


Zumba classes in Chorley

Only a couple of weeks left ladies and gents and Christmas will be here.Get into that little black dress by burning those calories and toning up with Zumba.Call Laura on 07796411564 to book your place or click on classes for click details,prices,times and addresses.
